With all of the new ways to communicate, you would expect that someone would come up with new etiquette “rules”. Yep – it’s happened. There is a new book out, titled “Kill Reply All: A Modern Guide to Online Etiquette”.

In this book, the author says there is no reason to leave a voicemail when you call someone. She says that there is “no purpose for voicemails in the modern age”. And having to sit through a two-minute message is “super inefficient and inconvenient”. She says that if someone doesn’t answer, just hang up and send them a text instead.

She also says that spur-of-the-moment phone calls are also rude now. Instead, she says to text first and ask the person if they want to talk on the phone. Really? We have to text to get permission to call??? That is crazy!

She has a few rules that actually make sense. Like don’t always “reply all” to group emails. I don’t know about you, but it is very annoying when you get unneeded email responses to a group email! And only use emojis in moderation, especially in work emails. 

I have decided to just do what I have always done. I am going to continue to leave voicemail and I will call someone without texting them first. I love being a rebel!

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