Five Things Therapists Do When They’re Stressed About the Future

It’s been over three months now, and we’re still not sure what’s in store for the future.  So someone asked therapists to share things THEY do to calm down when they’re stressed about the future.  

1.  Consider the best-case scenario.  We tend to focus on BAD things that could happen.  So just thinking about how things could work out can help calm you down.


2.  Remember what you’ve made it through to get here.  We’ve all dealt with situations that were difficult before.  So try to think of strategies you’ve used in the past that might help you out.  It’ll also remind you of how resilient you are.


3.  Get moving.  Anxiety can be paralyzing, so do something physical to counteract it.  It can be going for a walk or a run, or just dancing in your living room . . . any sort of movement helps.


4.  Make a schedule and stick with it.  Not knowing what’s in store can make you feel out of control.  So sticking to a schedule gives you a routine and a sense of normalcy.


5.  Make a list of things you CAN control.  Like wearing a face mask or donating to charity.  Keeping a list like that around is an easy way to help ground yourself when anxiety starts to creep in. 

Anything you’d add to the list?

  • Mel McKay